Evernote and Education:

Technology is becoming increasingly important and integral to the classroom environment in schools. Many students are now using tablets, smartphones and laptops to take notes in the classroom. Evernote is a great tool for them to do so. Teachers should encourage students to use Evernote because of all the different options it allows.

For students who have organizational problems, Evernote is a great tool because it allows them to have everything in one place. It can also be accessed from any device so they do not have to worry about keeping track of notes or finding them if they lose them because they will always be available.

It is also helpful for students who are audible learners because they can take audio recordings. With the teachers permission, they could record lessons instead of taking notes and listen to them later. This is great way for students with limited reading and writing skills because they can learn the information orally.

Evernote can also be useful for students who learn better visually because it allows them to take pictures. The student can take pictures of diagrams and other photos a teacher uses in accompaniment to their notes, so the student has those as a reference to add to their learning experience.