
Zooburst.com  is online tool that allows users to make their own 3D pop-up storybook. There are over 10,000 images that can be used to make stories that are appropriate for any age. The stories are stored online and can be shared easily. 

Readers who have a camera installed on their computer can also experience any ZooBurst book in Augmented Reality. Using nothing more than a standard webcam, visitors can hold up a special symbol to the webcam to watch as a 3D pop-up book “jumps” out of the paper and into the room around them. In addition, our Augmented Reality mode also allows readers the ability to interact with a book using simple gestures. For example, simply waving your hand in front of a book will allow you to turn its pages back and forth. 

ZooBurst could be used in a classroom by both teachers or students. Teachers could use it for small children to tell stories and make the stories come alive. More visual learners can see the characters and audiorty learners can still listen to the story. Students could use it as special project tool in an english class. They can write their stories with a visual representation of the characters and storyline. 

The terms of use state that anyone 13 or older with a valid email can sign up.