Techniques used in screenchomp that can be helpful for the students and teachers
Purpose: Teachers can talk to students outside of the classroom, anywhere. It has a whiteboard, markers and background to have any image to write on. Record on-the-go tutorials with full audio and send them home with students by going to and pasting the link to his blog/webpage for student use. For students that still cannot understand the problem and are stuck or ready to give up, the student can post their problem on screenchomp and send the link to his classmates for assistance. If one of the children can help the troubled out they can also post a video and send it back to the student to show steps on getting through the problem. This creates a networking for children and their teachers to better understand class material.

Educative: The reason for using this tool for educative purposes is because the teacher cannot be physically with the students 24/7. With this app they are able to assist students with personal problems with subject material. This gives children more attempts on trying thei problems out and hopeful to understand through peer and teacher help!

Barriers: This tool may not remove a child's learning barrier because every student may have the same problem. By seeing the problem my students are having I could still address the problem the following day in class. This app will reduce learning because any type of learner may visually, kinestetically, and auditorilly use the app for homework or studying purposes. There can be voice use, always visual representations and possible kinestetic activities for the child to try out in order to "feel" the problem and know how to answer it.

Terms of Service: The Terms or Service for screenchomp has stated "18 years of age, or an emancipated minor, or possess legal parental or guardian consent, and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Terms, and to abide by and comply with these Terms." The app is also available at any time of the day, it will not shut down through certain hours. The website, however, does not regulate with is shared on the website, they still can be reported for misuse though. All content shared is done anonymously without customer ID (in this case for my students, if applicaple they could say their first name and for what class of mine they are doing it for, that way other students can identify with the problem).